Hello and welcome! I am Portia Cooper.There was a time when just like many Americans I wasn’t too concerned or aware about all the toxins I was putting into my body.I just trusted the grocery stores, so I purchased and consumed whatever was on the shelves. It wasn’t until my family and I watched a documentary that awoken me to the foods I was allowing in my home and feeding to my family.I must admit, I felt ashamed and embarrassed. But as the saying goes, “you don’t know what you don’t know”.It was then when I began to do extensive research on the materials that were used.I have always drunk tea and was surprised when I learned that the tea bags on the shelves are treated with bleach to make them white.

I immediately began searching for better options and discovered alkaline based herbs such as chamomile, elderberry, and ginger root. I was impressed to see how these ingredients are so beneficial to our bodies and began making my own blend of these teas at home.I immediately started feeling less anxious, more relaxed, and a boost in my immune system.I knew I had to spread this to other families, women and communities who care about their health and wellness.Today I am happy to introduce Nola Botanical tea as a 100% biodegradable brand, with healthy unbleached tea filters filled with antioxidants. These teas will improve your health and wellness. Enjoy!